Website Features


It is all about you, your services and experience, this is your home in the internet, the sites will have: Your own Business name, Logo, Colors, and Contact information


Your website content is especially important in your website design, Your content should go hand in hand with your brand goals (make them love you) and the content is the motivation for them to exchange their information and obtaining the lead capture possibility of the site.

Ease of Use

If a website isn’t user-friendly, you will lose many potential customers. Customers will walk away in frustration on a confusing website.


When considering a website, you should know first your budget and how much are you willing to spend for the website, Domain name, hosting and design with maintenance. You don't need to break the bank to have a beautiful personal website.

Mobile Friendly

Most people are reaching the web via mobile phone and a website has to be design to look as good and work as good as if it was visited on a desktop.

Contact or Lead Capture

Our websites come prepared to display your contact information but also they are ready with a calendar to schedule appointments with your visitor or customers.

The 3 main purposes of a website


You want people to know who you are and you don't have a home address on the web, and with a website is how you start. Maybe you just realize that you need to build your own name brand and want a website to share long-form written content in the form of a blog. By writing and sharing blog posts, you are creating awareness on a particular topic. It is a great way to promote your new service, you want to create content on the Internet that generates awareness of you and the products you sell. With a website people can find you online?

Sales and conversion

One of the most common purposes of a website is to generate “Leads” and sales. This is usually most suited for a business website that’s selling a product or service. There are many ways to go about generating traffic in hopes of bringing in sales for your business, such as creating funnels with specific landing pages, email option magnets, and nurturing through an email series. But creating informational content on your industry will help bring in and attract the right type of customer.

Information & Appointments

Another purpose for a website is simply to share information and make yourself available to the community. Think about Wikipedia, a dictionary or thesaurus, or a news site. Each one of these website types shares an abundance of information on an ongoing basis. You keep coming back to them when searching for a query online. This could also be a curated blog. For example, there are many website designs with blogs out there that allows you to create content to help a specific audience, in this case, seniors.